My two cents is that making this is a race issue is actually racist. It's just the liberal racism you can't argue with because everyone thinks they're doing good. There were two people involved. You can talk about it as a person to person issue. It's not "a Black issue" just because Black people are involved. People treat my minority like this too. It's irritating and condescending.
You make comments like most Black women on Twitter supporting Will Smith, but empirically, there is nothing to show Black women support this more than people of any race (most of whom condemn him). Personally, on my Twitter, I see far more white women defending him, while my Black female friends have said his behavior is beyond acceptable.
Anyway, I like Will Smith. He made a mistake. Big whoop. Let's talk about anything else. There's a reason I haven't written about the topic. There's way too much on it. If you wanted to stay out and say less "as a white person," you could have just stayed out.
Also, the standard right now is to capitalize "Black" for good reason.