I think this is a brilliant and important point that also encourages polymaths/rennaissance people and more fulfilling lives. It’s great to be awesome at multiple things.
That being said, I think this article underplays the advantages of stacking skills that are close to each other (or even being in the top 10% or 5% of just one skill).
My success at social media and writing has helped me exactly 0 at getting cool legal jobs. I’m not the best lawyer, but I’m a really, really good lawyer. And that’s enough to climb the lawyer/politics/policy ladder. Then it’s about leadership and networking and kindness skills, soft skills that stack well with everything.
But take it from personal experience. Being really great at music composition and physics does absolutely nothing for you unless you use, combine, and market them. (In general skill stacking does nothing for you, I think, unless it includes marketing/promotion or some way to connect your skills.)