I actually strongly disagree with this piece, well-written though it is. I'm working on a piece right now about why to get married--and it has nothing to do with love.
Love isn't finite. And love is fickle, illusory even. People are capable of several great loves. They would be capable of loving another person while being married to someone else, only decent monogamous people don't look.
Timing is everything. Convenience is everything. Most women don't marry their first great love either and I know they statistically don't marry their best sex. They marry someone who's a good father, who is financially secure, and who fits in with their lives--exactly as much as men do.
Marriage is a social partnership to me. The love comes and goes, but having someone you care deeply about, you're friends with, share similar life goals with, etc. -- THAT'S what's important.
I'd rather be someone's best friend right now than the greatest love of someone's life.